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Learn the Lineup: Battle of the Bands 2023

Learn the Lineup: Battle of the Bands 2023

Bacchanal is back outside! Before this year’s headliners can be announced, we need your help selecting the opener. These six talented musicians are competing in the annual Battle of the Bands this Thursday at 8pm in Roone Auditorium. Come listen to live music, watch these incredible acts and VOTE to select the Bacchanal 2023 opener! 

  1. Riley Washington, Columbia College ‘24

Music Style: Groovy R&B and Jazz 

Favorite song to perform: “Tyrone” by Erykah Badu 

Hobbies: Singing in an acapella group (Bacchantae), painting, and making jewelry 

Musical influences: “I’m from Louisiana, which is the heart of Jazz music. Growing up there is where I get a lot of my inspiration.” 

Dream Bacchanal lineup: Doja Cat, Bruno Mars, and the Weeknd 

“I’m really excited to perform! I really love live music, whether it’s performing or listening to it.” – Washington 

  1. Maad Da Visionary, Columbia College ‘23

Music Style: The core energy of hip-hop and rap with unique effects to bring a different sound. 

What did you learn from last year’s BOTB?

“I just took from last year the understanding that the crowd is feeling you. You can be confident because they are coming to see you.” 

Favorite song to perform: “Just Wait” by Maad Da Visionary 

What’s one song you wish you had written?

“Backseat Freestyle” by Kendrick Lamar 

Dream Bacchanal Lineup: Drake, Snoh Aalegra, and JID 

“It feels good to be performing here again. Last year seeing the crowd and feeling the energy made me less nervous. I’m nervous again, but hopefully I just hone in and do it.” – Maad 

  1. Will Durie, Columbia College ‘24 

Music Style: Singer-songwriter with traces of rock 

Favorite song to perform: “Don’t Cry for Me” by Will Durie 

What’s one song you wish you had written? – “Romeo and Juliet” by Dire Straits 

What’s your creative process?

“I’m not a very quick songwriter, inspiration takes a while. I’ll think of one line that I like and then sit on it until something comes to me.” 

Dream Bacchanal lineup: Billy Joel + Elton John, Paul Mccartney, and Mark Knopfler 

“I’m really excited because I’ve never played with a full band. I am excited to see how the songs sound live” – Durie 

  1. Mayce, Columbia College ‘24 

Music Style: Ambient, melodic rap 

What’s your creative process?

“It is a little unconventional because I am also a producer. I try not to think or force it too much, just create what I’m feeling. Music is all emotions anyway, and if I’m feeling a certain way someone else probably has felt like that once, too” 

Favorite song to perform: “Lifestyle Crazy” by Mayce (and other unreleased work) 

Dream Bacchanal lineup: Lil Wayne, Young Thug, and “myself, of course” 

“I am super excited for BOTB. I haven’t really had time to perform, so I’m excited to just get on stage and have fun again (aside from the competitive aspect).” – Mayce 

  1. Doran & Emily, CC ‘24 & SEAS ‘24 

Music Style: Very folky, acoustic, and raw. Two acoustic instruments that really compliment each other. 

Origins of the band name: Pulled inspiration from Simon & Garfunkel

Favorite song to perform: “So Close, So Far” by Doran & Emily

What’s your creative process?

Doran writes the chords, melody, and lyrics. Emily adds a whole new layer with her violin. It’s a really creative and fluid process.

Dream Bacchanal lineup: Simon & Garfunkel, and Clairo

“I’m excited to share our music with a wonderful audience. It is a competition, but whoever wins is going to have a great opportunity so we’re not putting pressure on ourselves” – Doran 

  1. Jayani, Columbia College ‘23 

Music Style: Big band, singer-songwriter pop. 

Favorite song to perform: A new song written for BOTB

What’s one song you wish you had written?

Any song on Bruno Major’s A Song for Every Moon

Dream Bacchanal lineup: Bruno Major, Bruno Mars, Anderson Paak, and Keshi 

“I’m super excited to get the chance to play at Bacchanal because this is my last year at Columbia. I am also really excited to play with a band (my girlfriend is singing backup vocals), and for the actual performance.” – Jayani

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